Li Cuiling

Beijing Time : Monday - Friday, Few Hrs on Weeknd
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Hello, my name is Li Cuiling, and you can call me Angie. I am a master's degree student and I majored in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. With the Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other languages (CTCSOL), I am a qualified teacher of Chinese as a foreign language. I have years of teaching experiences. I think it is meaningful to introduce Chinese culture and teach the Chinese language to people from other countries. I support individualized teaching, paying attention to the individual differences of students, pay attention to the fun of the classroom, and strive to stimulate students' interest in learning. My teaching methods mainly include immersion teaching method, situational method and aural-oral method, which focuses on the practice of sentence patterns, and I always encourage students to speak more in class.让我们一起开启快乐地学习汉语的旅程吧!