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Dao Mandarin
Sample Class

Curious about what it's like to learn Mandarin with us? Our Dao Mandarin sample class offers a perfect glimpse into our teaching style, methods, and the overall experience. Whether you're a beginner or have some prior knowledge, this 30-minute session is designed to give you a taste of our interactive and personalized approach to learning Mandarin.

What you will get ?

During the class, you'll experience:Engaging Lessons: Our experienced teachers use practical, real-life scenarios to make learning Mandarin fun and relevant.Interactive Activities: You'll participate in activities that help reinforce your language skills, such as conversation practice, listening exercises, and pronunciation drills.Tailored Instruction: The class is customized to your current level, ensuring that you get the most out of your time with us.Cultural Insights: Alongside language learning, you'll gain cultural knowledge that enhances your understanding of Mandarin in a broader context.Join our sample class and see for yourself how Dao Mandarin can help you reach your language goals!

Dao Mandarin Standard Course
Level 1 - Lesson 3

What`s your name?
Lesson Plan

Here are the key points you will learn:

  • Basic Grammar Structure S+ V + N

  • Learn the usage of "什么" - what in Mandarin.

  • learn 是 Yes and its Negation 不是 in Mandarin

  • Learn the usage of “呢ne”  in Mandarin.

  • Learn Characters “人”,“个”,“中”

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