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Learn Vocabularies from the Most Popular Apps in China

Dao Mandarin

微信 wēi xìn


Social Communication App similar to what`s app

聊天liáo tiān; Chatting

朋友圈 péng yǒu quān ; Moments

加好友 jiā hǎo yǒu ; to add friends

扫一扫sǎo yī sǎo ; to scan/swipe

红包 hóng bāo ; Red Pocket ; Its the Chinese tradtion to send Money with a red pocket as a gift in important occasions, like wedding, Baby Shower, Chinese New Year etc. Usually elderly people need to give young kids red pocket to show their affection to them. Wechat has the function to send Money directly to the people they care about online; Chinese Men love to send 520 RMB to their girlfriends or wifes to show their love on Valentina`s day, 520 in Chinese means I love you.

淘宝 táo bǎo

Online Store

购物 gòu wù; Shopping

在线支付zài xiàn zhī fù ; Online Payment

下单 xià dān ; Ordering

亲 qīn; Honey ; Customers service would call you "Honey" to please you online ( this is very common)

好评 hǎo píng; Good Review

差评 chà píng ; Bad Review

退货 tuì huò ; Return

退款 tuì kuǎn; Refund

免邮miǎn yóu Free Shipping

支付宝 zhī fù bǎo Alipay

Online Payment

转账 zhuǎn zhàng ; Money Transfering ;

信用卡还款 xìn yòng kǎ hái kuǎn; Pay Credit Card;

在线支付zài xiàn zhī fù ; Online Transfering ;

滴滴 dī dī

Taxi App

打车 dǎ chē ; Taxi

起始地 qǐ shǐ dì ;Start from

目的地 mù de dì ; to (destination)

饿了吗 è le ma

Food Delivery App

饿了吗 è le ma ; literally means Are you hungry ?

外卖 wài mài ; take out/ to go

送餐 sòng cān; Food Delivery;

打包 dǎ bāo ; Pack Foods; 打 : to put ; 包:Bag; 打包 literally means to put all the foods in the takeaway boxes ;

美团 měi tuán

Food Delivery App

大众点评 dà zhòng diǎn píng ;

A place to give reviews.

点评 diǎn píng ; Review

微博 Weibo

wēi bó

It`s similar to twitter

留言 liú yán ; Leave a comment ; 留 to leave; 言 words;

键盘侠 jiàn pán xiá ; keyboard Heros ; This is a sarcasm word for people who leave nasty comments to others on internet, they took themselves as the moralist and alwasy the right ones to hurt others without even feeling guilty.

点赞diǎn zàn ; to like

网络暴力 wǎng luò bào lì ; Network Violence ; 网络 means network ; Violence means 暴力

粉丝fěn sī ; Fans

哔哩哔哩 Bilibili

bì lǐ bì lǐ

Video uplocading platform similar to Youtube

视频 shì pín ; Video

电影diàn yǐng ; Movies

纪录片jì lù piàn ; Documentary Film

探探 tàn tàn

Dating App in China, similar to Tinder

交友软件 jiāo yǒu ruǎn jiàn ; Dating App

聊天 liáo tiān; Chatting

网恋 wǎng liàn ; Cyber Love /Internet Love

异地恋 yì dì liàn ; Long Distance Love

私信 sī xìn ; Private Message

头像 tóu xiàng ; Profile Picture

陌陌 mò mò

Dating App in China, similar to Tinder

QQ Chatting App

好友 hǎo yǒu : Friends List

黑名单hēi míng dān ; Blacklist

拉黑lā hēi : to block

群 qún : Groups

小红书 xiǎo hóng shū

its similar to Pinterest

帖子 tiē zǐ; Post

百度 bǎi dù

Similar to Google, it`s the Search Engine in China

在线搜索 zài xiàn sōu suǒ ; Searching Online

携程 xié chéng Online Flight /High Speed Train tickets

Similar to

预定机票 yù dìng jī piào; to book Flight Ticket

预定酒店yù dìng jiǔ diàn; to book Hotel

抖音 dòu yīn

Tiktok Chinese Version

短视频 duǎn shì pín; Short Clip

拍视频 pāi shì pín ; Take Short Clip

转发zhuǎn fā; to share

收藏 shōu cáng ; to save


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