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Big News : Hainan, China is Visa-Free for 59 Countries

Dao Mandarin

30 days visa free to Hainan, China
30 days visa free to Hainan, China

Hainan Province 海南省 is located at the southernmost tip of China. The northern part of Hainan and Guangdong Province are delimited by the Qiongzhou Strait. The west of Hainan is opposite to Vietnam, and they are separated by the Beibu Gulf. The eastern and southern parts of Hainan are deep in the South China Sea, adjacent to the Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Hainan Island has a tropical monsoon oceanic climate. The basic characteristics of Hainan Island are as follows: Hainan Island has unclear four seasons, no extreme heat in summer, no severe cold in winter, small annual temperature range, and high annual average temperature. Hainan Island has obvious dry and rainy seasons, arid winter and spring, rainy summer and autumn, and many tropical cyclones; Hainan Island is rich in light, heat and water resources, and weather disasters such as wind, drought and cold are frequent. The annual average temperature of Hainan Island is 22.5-25.60C, the annual sunshine hours are 1780-2600 hours, the total solar radiation is 4500-5800 MJ/m2, and the annual precipitation is 1500-2500 mm (about 1000 mm on the western coast).

Hainan 海南 :

Sea island of Hainan possesses gorgeous natural seaside sceneries. Especially the seductivey Yalong Bay and scenic 天涯海角 of Sanya should not be missed.

Hainan Island, China, Visa  Free
Hainan Island, China

Hainan Island, China, Visa Free
Hainan Island, China

Hainan Island, China, Visa Free
Hainan Island, China

Hainan Island, China, Visa Free
Guanyin, Hainan Island, China

Hainan 30-day visa-free access scheme stipulates foreign citizens holding the passport of 59 qualifying countries can have 30 days visa-free entry to Hainan.

During the stay, they can travel in the whole of Hainan Province(省份shěng fèn) without a Chinese visa(签证qiān zhèng). This visa-free access will count its 30 days duration from 00:00 the day following the entry date. Hainan Visa-Free Countries List - 59 Countries.

6 American Countries6个(美洲国家měi zhōu guó jiā)

The United States:美国měi guó;

Canada:加拿大jiā ná dà;

Brazil:巴西bā xī;

Mexico:墨西哥mò xī gē;

Argentina:阿根廷ā gēn tíng;

Chile:智利zhì lì;

2 Oceania Countries2个(大洋洲国家dà yáng zhōu guó jiā):

Australia澳大利亚ào dà lì yà,

New Zealand新西兰xīn xī lán

25 Schengen Agreement Countries25个(申根国家shēn gēn guó jiā):

Austria:奥地利ào dì lì;

Belgium:比利时bǐ lì shí;

Czech Republic:捷克jié kè;

Denmark:丹麦dān mài;

Estonia:爱沙尼亚 ài shā ní yà;

Finland:芬兰fēn lán;

France:法国fǎ guó;

Germany:德国dé guó;

Greece:希腊xī là;

Hungary:匈牙利xiōng yá lì;

Iceland:冰岛bīng dǎo;

Italy:意大利yì dà lì;

Latvia:拉脱维亚lā tuō wéi yà;

Lithuania:立陶lì táo wǎn宛;

Luxembourg: 卢森堡 lú sēn bǎo;

Malta:马耳他mǎ ěr tā;

Netherlands:荷兰hé lán;

Norway:挪威nuó wēi;

Poland:波兰bō lán;

Portugal:葡萄牙pú táo yá;

Slovakia:斯洛伐克sī luò fá kè;

Slovenia:斯洛文尼亚sī luò wén ní yà;

Spain:西班牙xī bān yá;

Sweden:瑞典ruì diǎn;

Switzerland:瑞士ruì shì

15 Other European Countries 15个其他(欧洲国家ōu zhōu guó jiā)

Russia:俄罗斯é luó sī;

the United Kingdom:英国yīng guó;

Ireland:爱尔兰ài ěr lán;

Cyprus:塞浦路斯sāi pǔ lù sī;

Bulgaria:保加利亚bǎo jiā lì yà;

Romania:罗马尼亚aluó mǎ ní yà;

Ukraine:乌克兰wū kè lán;

Serbia:塞尔维亚sāi ěr wéi yà;

Croatia:克罗地亚kè luó dì yà;

Bosnia-Herzegovina:波黑bō hēi;

Montenegro: 黑山共和国hēi shān gòng hé guó

Macedonia:马其顿 (FYROM) mǎ qí dùn;

Albania:阿尔巴尼亚 ā ěr bā ní yà;

Belarus:白俄罗斯bái é luó sī;

Monaco:摩纳哥mó nà gē;

11 Asian Countries: 11个(亚洲yà zhōu guó jiā)

Korea:韩国hán guó;

Japan :日本rì běn;

Singapore: 新加坡xīn jiā pō;

Malaysia:马来西亚mǎ lái xī yà;

Thailand:泰国tài guó;

Kazakhstan: 哈萨克斯坦hā sà kè sī tǎn;

The Philippines: 菲律宾fēi lǜ bīn;

Indonesia:印度尼西亚yìn dù ní xī yà;

Brunei:文莱wén lái;

United Arab Emirates :阿拉伯联合酋长国ā lā bó lián hé qiú zhǎng guó;

Qatar:卡塔尔kǎ tǎ ěr

Haikou Meilan International Airport海口美兰国际机场hǎi kǒu měi lán guó jì jī chǎng

& Sanya Phoenix International Airport 三亚凤凰国际机场sān yà fèng huáng guó jì jī chǎng and all ship ports are qualified ports for this 30 days visa exemption. Airports Contact Information Haikou Meilan International Airport: 0898-65760114 Sanya Phoenix International Airport: 0898-88289390 Areas Allowed to Stay - The Whole Hainan Province Foreigners eligible for this 30 days visa exemption entry can travel inside Hainan Province. Going to mainland China from Hainan is not allowed if not having an appropriate visa. How to Apply for Hainan 30-Day Free Visa Access Requirements:要求yào qiú Valid passport (护照hù zhào )/Travel Document valid for at least 3 months from the date of entry Tickets for Round-trip (往返旅程wǎng fǎn lǚ chéng) International Flight or Cruise Ships Hotel Bookings Travel Itinerary(行程 xíng chéng) to Hainan Registering Yourself with a Local Travel Agency Is a Must Independent travelers cannot apply for the Hainan 30-day free visa on their own. This needs to be done through a travel agency in China. Visitors can submit the above information to the travel agency at least 48 hours advance of arrival, and then the agency will apply for the visa-free entry on their behalf from the local Exit and Entry Administration of Hainan.

More Detail Please Visit Hainan Gov Website:

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