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Free Quizzs

Test your Mandarin skills with our free quizzes! Perfect for learners of all levels, these quizzes cover a variety of topics and help reinforce your understanding of Chinese characters, vocabulary, and grammar. Whether you're preparing for an exam or just want to practice, our quizzes offer a fun and interactive way to improve your Mandarin proficiency.

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Welcome to our free Mandarin Chinese test page!
Assess your Mandarin skills with our quick and easy tests, designed for all levels.

  • 20-30 Questions Per Test: Evaluate your vocabulary, grammar, listening, and reading skills.

  • Instant Results: Get your score immediately, along with detailed feedback and explanations.

Vocabulary List


HSK -2 Quiz


Measure Words Quiz


Pick the Correct Image Based on the Provided Chinese Characters!


Select the Correct Image to Practice Verbs


HSK-1 Chinese Verb Vocabulary Practice-2


HSK-1 Chinese Verb Vocabulary Practice-1

HSK -1

Chinese Vocabulary Quiz

Online Programs

Personalized instruction for targeted feedback and a custom learning experience.

Interactive classes for collaborative learning and peer engagement.

Learn Mandarin at your own pace with our self-study online course. 

Get ready for the HSK with focused lessons and practice tests.

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